Ocelli Ocellus - v1.6.0


Product page

The product details page.


1. Product title color

The color of the product title on the product page.

2. Product score color

The score color on the product page.

3. Enable lightbox

Enables the lightbox on the product page. If enabled you can click on the product image and the lightbox will be active.

4. Enable unified color product action icons

Enables the body color for the product action icons on the product page. You can set the body color at the general settings.

5. Purchase button background color

The background color of the purchase button on the product page.

6. Purchase button color

The text color of the purchase button on the product page.

7. Enable unified color social icons

Enables a unified color for the social icons on the product page.

8. Product color social icons

The color of the social icons on the product page, if the unified color setting is enabled.

9. Enable product tags

Enables the product tags on the product page. Shown in the tabs navigation next to the specifications and the reviews.

10. Enable product bundles

Enables the product bundles on the product page.

11. Enable related products

Enables the related products on the product page.

12. Sections heading color

The color of the sections heading on the product page.

13. Product bundles title

The section title of the product bundles.

14. Related products title

The section title of the related products.